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Empowering Communities: A Vision for Environmental Justice in Paterson, New Jersey
Empowering Communities: A Vision for Environmental Justice in Paterson, New Jersey Published by Clean Water Action with quotes by Shanikwa Lemon, Paterson Alliance, Lead-Free NJ community hub leader in Paterson and Cassie Bolinger, Lead-Free NJ Program Manager...

The Benefits of Collaboration
The Benefits of Collaboration August 1, 2023 Published by Twenty Twenty Public Affairs. Access the article here. Some issues are so complex and multi-faceted, they require a collaborative approach. Listening and learning from multiple and diverse partners will lead...

Guest Oped: It’s Time to Get the Lead Out of Trenton
Published by The Trentonian. Access the article here. By: Shereyl Snider and Heather Sorge Trenton has the highest percentage of childhood lead exposure among large municipalities in New Jersey. If we’re going to get serious about eliminating lead from our...

NJ Activists Want Money For Lead Pipe Replacement In Budget
May 11, 2023 From Eric Kiefer, Patch Staff NEWARK, NJ — A community activist from Newark recently made a plea to the New Jersey Senate for more funding in the state budget to help replace lead drinking water pipes. Yvette Jordan – a member of the Newark Education...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lead-Free NJ Members Deliver New Jersey Senate Budget Testimony Urging Action to Protect Public Health and Address High Blood Lead Levels in Children
TRENTON, NJ, May 10, 2023 — Lead-Free NJ (LFNJ) members Yvette Jordan of the Newark Education Workers (NEW) Caucus and Shereyl Snider of East Trenton Collaborative submitted testimony for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2024 State Budget urging the NJ Senate to prioritize...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lead-Free NJ Seeks a Community Partner to Form a Hub in South Jersey
TRENTON, NJ, March 16, 2023 — Lead-Free NJ, a statewide collaborative of over 20 advocacy organizations and nonprofits with over 100 regularly participating community members, is seeking a community partner in South Jersey to establish a new hub to address pernicious...

Lead-Free NJ Statement on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Address
March 7, 2023 Governor Murphy outlined spending priorities for the state of New Jersey in his budget address this week. LFNJ is encouraged by the emphasis on needed affordable housing, and maintaining the best public education in the nation. As we pursue these...

NJ funnels millions into lead abatement initiatives
Yvette Jordan is an environmental justice activist from Newark and a member of the organization Lead-Free NJ, which advocates for getting lead out of paint, water and soil across the state. She joins WNYC’s Michael Hill to talk about the $38 million allocation from the governor’s office.

Warning of crisis, child care advocates ask for federal dollars
Warning of crisis, child care advocates ask for federal dollars Published by New Jersey Monitor, featuring quotes from Rashan Prailow, Steering Committee Co-Chair....

Lead line project will (rightfully) slow down paving of Kearny streets
Lead line project will (rightfully) slow down paving of Kearny streets Published by The Observer, featuring quotes from Heather Sorge, Lead-Free NJ Program Manager....