Take Action

You Can Help Us Take Action

We envision a New Jersey in which children are free from lead poisoning and our environment is lead-safe. Help us as we work to create a lead-free NJ, once and for all.

Advocacy and communities making change.

Let’s Work Together

Membership is free and signing up is easy. Join today to connect with a network of people striving to make New Jersey lead-free.

Share Your Story

Lead-Free NJ’s work seeks to elevate the voices of individuals affected by lead, while fostering the conditions for children to be free from lead poisoning statewide.

If you are interested in sharing your story for publication on our website or social media, please submit it here or email it to info@leadfreenj.org.

Advocate for Change

Reach out to your federal, state, and local lawmakers to share your experiences. Access our Community Toolkit for advocacy tips and advice.

Stay in Touch

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter  to receive insider updates on Lead-Free NJ’s work, information about how you can get involved, details about upcoming events, and more.