Lead-Free NJ January 2022 Membership Meeting

Lead-Free NJ January 2022 Membership Meeting

326 326 people viewed this event.

With communities determined to remove lead from the environment and potential opportunities in place to fund their efforts, this is an important moment for lead-free advocates. Join us to network and discuss lead policy with others, learn more about Lead-Free NJ’s recent work to get the lead out, and find out how we can work together to make change. The event will feature:

  • A spotlight on Lead-Free NJ policy work
  • A panel discussion with municipal leaders on local needs and funding opportunities
  • Updates from Lead-Free NJ committees
  • An action plan to secure funding to make NJ Lead-Free

Who should attend:

  • Community members
  • Advocates and activists
  • Community-based, statewide, and national organizations
  • Industry workers
  • Clergy
  • Municipal, county, and state officials


Stay tuned for more information about speakers!


Rashan Prailow, Lead-Free NJ Co-chair

Debbie Mans, Lead-Free NJ Co-chair

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcu2hrD4pH9EumM_6hG8gLgGTjZOOMyPA →


Date And Time

2022-01-27 @ 05:30 PM to
2022-01-27 @ 07:00 PM


Online event

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