Factsheets and Reports


Additional publications and links will appear here as they become available.

Lead-Free NJ Brochure Cover August 2022

Lead-Free NJ Brochure August 2022

Lead-Free NJ Brochure August 2022 (Español)

REPORT COVER New Jersey Lead Poisoning Prevention Action Plan

Lead-Free NJ flyer

Lead-Free NJ Flyer Cover Spanish
Lead-Free NJ flyer
Image of first page of the LFNJ Flyer in Portuguese
Lead-Free NJ flyer
Image of first page of the LFNJ Flyer in Portuguese

Lead-Free NJ flyer

An image of a young girl surrounded by the effects of lead exposure on the body.

Effects of Lead on the Body

Image of a young boy surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

Effects of Lead on the Body (Español)

Image of a young boy surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

Effects of Lead on the Body (Haitian Creole)

Image of a young girl surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

Effects of Lead on the Body (Urdu)

An image of a young girl surrounded by the effects of lead exposure on the body.

Do’s and Don’ts of Lead Exposure (English)

Image of a young boy surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

Qué Hacer y qué No Hacer en la exposición al envenenamiento por plomo (Español)

Image of a young boy surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

Ki sa ki fè ak sa ki pa fè nan ekspoze anpwazònman plon (Haitian Creole)

Image of a young girl surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

Do’s and Don’ts of Lead Expsoure (Urdu)

An image of a young girl surrounded by the effects of lead exposure on the body.

Lead Poisoning Dangers (English)

Image of a young boy surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.


Image of a young boy surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

DANJE PWAZON PLON (Haitian Creole)

Image of a young girl surrounded by images illustrating the effects of lead on the body.

Lead Poisoning Dangers (Urdu)


Additional publications and links will appear here as they become available.

A graphic about the new lead laws for 2021 and their effect on municipalities

Primer for Mayors on Lead in Drinking Water: Lead Service Line Efficiency Measures

Cover graphic of Primer for Mayors on Lead in Drinking Water pdf file

Newark Water Coalition: The Mobile Lead Testing Unit Report

Racial Segregation graphic with an image of New Jersey with a Lead symbol and two pairs of feet walking in shadows.

Newark Water Coalition: Informe de la Unidad Móvil de Análisis de Plomo

A graphic about the new lead laws for 2021 and their effect on rental units

Read about the New Lead Laws and Rental Units

A graphic about the new lead laws for 2021 and their effect on municipalities

Read about the New Lead Laws and Municipalities

Cover graphic of Primer for Mayors on Lead in Drinking Water pdf file

Primer for Mayors on Lead in Drinking Water

Racial Segregation graphic with an image of New Jersey with a Lead symbol and two pairs of feet walking in shadows.

How Racial Segregation Affects Childhood Lead Exposure

REPORT COVER New Jersey Lead Poisoning Prevention Action Plan

Jersey Water Works Lead in Drinking Water Task Force

REPORT COVER Lead in Drinking Water: A Permanent Solution for New Jersey

Green and Healthy Homes Initiative

REPORT COVER New Jersey Lead Poisoning Prevention Action Plan

Lead in Drinking Water in Child Care Facilities: Ensuring the Future for New Jersey’s Children

Eliminating Lead From Drinking Water Is a Must. The Question Is How (The Environment Forum)


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